23 November 2008


There's no one recipe for a perfect marriage. But among the many ingredients that work for my husband and I, our daily dates are among those that add the zestiest spice to the relationship.

Anyone who's dated must agree, the best restaurant dates are not just about the food nor the fancy ambiance. It's about the conversations. A bland conversation leaves a very bad after-taste. While a genuine connection leaves both parties yearning for more.

I've had my share of bad dates. So when J and I went out for the first time, I knew, I was being served something very special.

Since that first date, I've always asked for a second serving.
**Photo: J's. From one of our daily dates. Bellini's, Cubao.


  1. Couldn't agree more. :) But the downside being you tend to binge and start gaining weight from all the lovely dinners. Haha!

  2. Kaya ang taba2 ko na ngayon. Lol
