09 July 2009


We got to see the chic flick "He's Just Not That Into You" recently. No, I'm not doing a movie review (although I must say it was highly entertaining!). I'm writing about it because it made me think about how J is so into me. Allow me to brag.

As a suitor...

  • He brought me home from work every day. Our office is in Quezon City. He lives in Quezon City. I live in Antipolo. That's a good 16 kms! He'd bring me home even if it's raining hard, even if he's sick or injured, even if sometimes it would mean walking at least 1 kilometer from our house to the Subdivision gate (where he gets a cab). Sounds familiar? See our wedding vows (Blog entry: The Altar Date).
  • He bent his biases for me. He's not a flowers-kind-of-guy but he gave me bouquets anyway!
  • He regularly wrote love letters and poems for me.

As a boyfriend...

  • He borrowed Jack Nicholson's line from "As Good As It Gets" once - "You make me want to be a better man." And he kept his word. I never asked him to change (I love him for all that he is / was. ) but he willingly evolved into the best man he could be.
  • He shared my Faith. J: "If it's the only way for us to be together..." (aww!). This chapter in our love life was so "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Effort talaga! He patiently attended the daily bible studies, went through an oral exam, etc.
  • He listens. And remembers details!
  • He continued to bring me home from work every day.
  • He helped me babysit my sister.
  • He always takes the danger side when we cross the street.
  • He'd wash the dishes at my parents' home.
  • My first and last text message (or call) would come from him.
  • He takes care of me - in every way. When I'm with him I really feel safe. He was even with me all throughout a legal case.

As a husband...

  • He allows me to be the best woman I could be.
  • He wakes me up with his kisses.
  • He holds my hand so tight (just like the first time we held hands 9 years ago!).
  • He makes me laugh!
  • He makes my parents, my siblings, my cousins, my Titas & Titos, my friends laugh!
  • He goes shopping with me -- waits for me when I try on something, gives sensible comments, carries my shopping bags, etc. And even shops for me!
  • When we travel, he carries all our luggage, and lets me have the window seat.
  • He gives me foot and hand massages (without me asking for it).
  • He still takes the danger side when we cross the street.
  • He's a good son to my parents -- helps them with housework, he volunteered to buy Mama's abaya, etc.
  • He's a good brother to my siblings -- helps P with school work, lends T party clothes, etc.
  • He patiently waits for me -- if I need to work late, if I have a gimik with my girlfriends, if I have an errand for my parents, etc.
  • At work, he surprises me with love text or email messages (even if we're just 100 feet away from each other)!
  • He accompanies me to my chic flicks (I don't mind if he sleeps through them sometimes).
  • He takes me out on dates every night (no need to wait for "special occasions")!
  • He takes care of me when I'm sick -- prepares my meals, checks my temperature, monitors my meds, etc.
  • He allows me to cry. But more importantly, he knows when and how to cheer me up!
  • Once, after being away for a weekend, I was welcomed by a romantic bedroom setting -- bouquets of white roses on our bed with a card that said, "The bed's too big without you!"
  • We dream about the future together! He always talks about his dreams and plans for me, for us.

Haba ng hair ko noh?! Ingat, baka matapakan, hehe! =)

My prayer: That every woman be blessed with a man who's so into her too!

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