29 July 2009


It was a happy, quiet, love-filled birthday.

The highlight of my day: We're spending the night here at the condo! It's our first overnight!

It was such a spur-of-the-moment decision. We were only supposed to drop off the olive oil (see "Much Ado About Moving In" blog entry) but decided to rush back to Quezon City to get our overnight stuff (and everything else we could carry) and spend the night here in Soho. The decision was made 10pm. We were in QC 1030pm. Then we were back here in Soho 1130pm! We're too excited! Tawa kami nang tawa sa ginawa namin!

I'm thankful that all my bday wishes were granted:

The Today Show - Check!

A call from my parents - Check! Theirs was the first one I received today. Too bad my sis P was still asleep (they're five hours behind Manila Time). My Mom reminisced about her delivery of me, naiyak tuloy ako. I miss them terribly!

A trip to the salon - Check! J accompanied me to the neighborhood salon for a shampoo and blowdry. (In a perfect world, I'd start every day with a professional S&B.)

Couple Time - Check! J and I enjoyed doing errands for our new home. He's been telling me, "Para tayong bagong kasal!" Five years ago, we were always shopping for appliances, furniture, home supplies too!

Last I checked, all my loved ones are happy and healthy. I pray it stays that way.

The bonus: all the warm greetings I received. Thank you, people! You made my day.

Here's something I always tell myself, J and my parents: We may not be rich, famous or powerful but knowing we all have each other always makes me feel I DO HAVE EVERYTHING!

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