20 August 2009


Yes, we've been packing like crazy! (That's "PA" not "FU" - LOL!)

All our free time has been dedicated to sorting out our stuff -- which ones will go to the scrap collector, which ones to Nueva Ecija, which ones to my parent's place, which ones to my brother's place, which ones to the new home. It is unbelievable how much stuff we've acquired in five years!

With each trip to the condo, we try to bring as much as we can. Thank God for Soho's helpful guards.

After leaving stuff in the new home we go back to the apartment to pack some more. I swear, it's never ending!

Thank God for the two long weekends coming up. I hope we get to finish everything before September sets in.

As for the "FU" -- Hallelujah we have time for that in between the "PAs"!

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