07 September 2009


(Open curtains.) The long wait is over – we're finally home! In our very own home! (Cue in: Fireworks! Cartwheels! Confetti blast! Screams!)

Act I: Hitting a home run. To say we're overjoyed is an understatement. One major goal in our married life – accomplished! Tada!

Act II: Home is where the heart is. I can't even begin to describe how we are. J and I are dead tired from all the moving in (of the condo) and out (of the apartment) but guess what – no one's complaining. We're both in such a celebratory mood. We're just too happy! Our kisses even seem to be sweeter! (Cue in: tears of joy.)

Act III: The home stretch. Everything just fell into place days leading to our move. One, according to the feng shui calendar, September 4 and 5 are the lucky days for moving into a new house. Our contract on the QC apartment ends September 5 – so feng shui or not, we really should be out of there. Two, our September 4 shoot was canceled which means we could go on leave (Yahoo!). Three, our dear Tito C was able to book a truck for us for free (free!), for September 5. Four, September 7 was declared a holiday, giving us a four-day weekend, perfect for all the sorting out and cleaning up that had to be done. It allowed us to rest too!

How's it been so far? We're loving it! I guess, there really is no place like home.

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