23 October 2009


Here's what couples should be doing according to Glamour magazine (Aug2009)...

Once a week
> Fight (a little).
> Have sex (obviously). But also...
> Have generous sex.
> And have before-work sex.
> Compliment each other.
> Shower together.
> Get into bed and...sleep
> Let something go.
> Laugh so hard.

Us: 8 of 9 - CHECK!

Once a month
> Be do-gooders.
> Do something scary. (But J's fearless!)
> Talk about money
> Brag publicly about him.
> Declare something "this stays in Vegas."
> Be the man.
> Disappear together.
> Disappear alone.
> Go to a party! And mingle separately.
> Have sex some way you've never had it before.

Us: 8 1/2 of 10 - CHECK!

Once a year
> Build a doghouse or whatever team project.
> Get something that'll grow with your love.
> Say the tough thing.
> Cancel Valentine's Day and invent your own lovey-dovey holiday. (We don't do Valentine. But we have our Daily Dates! Awww.)
> Fall apart.
> Don't get up. At least once a year.
> Talk birth control.
> Re-kiss your First Kiss.
> Write each other.
> Think back on all the reasons you fell for him.

Us: 8 of 10 - CHECK!

What's your score?

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