It's Halloween. But I won't be writing about ghosts of the supernatural kind. Rather, of the emotional type. And somehow, I'm not sure which one's scarier.
I can't exactly tell when it happened -- but it did! A few years back, I've finally exorcised the ghost of J's girlfriend past.
I have to admit it took me awhile. During our first years as boyfriend and girlfriend, I was often haunted by the history they shared. And it didn't help that she moved into the same Network where J and I work! (Someone told me that move of hers was "scary" -- ex-GF weird scary! LOL!)
Throughout the "hauntings," J would tell me, "Gumagawa ka ng sarili mong multo."
And I guess one day I finally saw the light in his words. True, the horror was just all in my head.
She was part of his past which I needed to accept. And her move to the same Network was "trabaho lang, walang personalan." She never bugged us, not once (she has resigned BTW).
So one day, I finally laid the ghost of his past to rest. Because the truth is, "What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now."
Photo: J's. It's Baguio's White Haunted House (aka Laperal House / Addams Family Summer House) in front of PNKY (where we stayed one time!). Boo!