09 April 2010


For our sixth wedding anniversary, we took a break from Manila's 33-36C summer heat and headed to Shanghai's 7-13C spring swing!

My book for this trip: Love Letters of Great Men. I wonder if it's the same book as Carrie Bradshaw's in the SATC movie? Thinking out loud: J's love letters for me must be part of the collection! Haha!

We left Manila around 8pm. Landed in Shanghai's Pudong International Airport before midnight (Kudos to Cebu Pacific, that's earlier than the ETA). We arrived at an empty airport.

Where's every one else?

Empty bag carousel

Quick bite before heading to the hotel.
By midnight, Burger King was the only joint open in the Airport.

Love our quaint, super affordable business hotel.

Hotel's facade

Hotel Location: Da Du He Road. This must be the provincial part of Shanghai (it looks so '70s). Pro: It's 15 minutes away by bus from the Zhongshan Park MTR station.

Our bus stop. Here's where we start every 'pasyal' day.

We need to wait for Bus #67. Advise came from the hotel's friendly staff.

Classic Chinese visual! Shanghai's a biking community.

Bus #67, puno. We'll have to wait for the next one.

More on our honeymoon...

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