10 May 2010


Hubby and I were on a "break" for four days last week. Yes, we love being together 24/7 but yes, we can also survive being away from each other.

My parents, sister and I were in Palawan for a family vacation. Original plan was for me to fly abroad to visit them (me lang due to budget considerations). But my family decided to come home to Manila. So my supposed airfare budget went to the Palawan trip (Yey! Another item off my Bucket List: Treated my family to a vacation!). J wanted to join our Palawan trip but there's a major project he can't leave.

And so I was out on a date with the family...

It was more laid-back than my first two trips to Puerto Princesa because I had to consider my parents' age and health (hehe).

But it was super fun nevertheless!

Palawan, thank you for the memories!

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