28 May 2010


Six years ago, today, only two months after we got married, I almost lost J to a freak accident.

The doctors gave me only three scenarios, based on the extent of his injuries:
1) He may go blind
2) He may turn into a vegetable
3) He may die


I remember turning numb.

My silent prayer, "If you're taking him, kunin mo na rin ako, please."

Memories of May 28, 2004 still make me cringe. I'm not sure if I can write about the details. So I won't.

Here's what I want to share instead...I praise God for His miracles! After the 10-hour operation, we didn't have to face any of the three worst-case scenarios laid out to me. Even the doctors were in awe! J was a miracle case!

J can see clearly, he has not lost any of his brain functions and motor skills, he's full of life. HE'S ALIVE!

The worst that happened: his scars from the ala-Face Off operation and his intensified migraines.

Six years ago, today, I cried my heart out. I experienced crying hanggang wala na akong luha. I'm crying again now. But this time they are tears of joy.

Thank you, J, for choosing to live. He was such a fighter all throughout the ordeal. Even under tremendous pain, he was one happy patient. He made me, all his nurses, doctors and visitors laugh. He was never demanding. All he asked from me were hugs. Ikaw talaga ang idol ko pag dating sa strength.

Thank you to our family and friends, even to strangers, who prayed for us, visited, wished us well. We wouldn't have made it through without your help.

Thank you to his brilliant doctors and caring nurses from St. Luke's. You're God's miracle workers.

Thank you, God, for your miracles! Thank you for reminding me that you won't give us a load we cannot carry. Thank you for loving us as much as you do. Kaya siguro mahal na mahal namin ang isa't-isa. Dahil mahal na mahal mo kami. Your love's overflowing. We'll gladly continue to spread that love.

I can choose to hate May 28 forever. But with the depth of experiences it has brought me, us, I'm celebrating it! We're celebrating it!

Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.-- Grace Hansen

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