19 June 2010


I started this blog because I had a story to share. And because writing keeps me sane, it helps me find my center.

After every busy, crazy, stressful day, I look forward to having some quiet time. Just me and my thoughts. And when I still have the energy, I blog about our dates, about style. (My other thoughts stay private.)

Sharing and sanity were all I'm after.

The kind words of appreciation I've been receiving, they're icing on the cake. Thank you to all the ladies who've sent me messages, you're all too sweet, especially those I did not expect...

"I am truly touched with (your) journals...Plus nakak-entertain yung blog mo. It makes me smile, as if an affirmation that we all can be happy and live an interesting life with some effort and a good deal of enthusiasm." -- KR, Paris

"I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your intelligent, honest writing, your sensible personal style...and most importantly, your strong conviction of who you are and what you want in life." -- TM, Atlanta

"TR loves reading Out on a Date blog. Many realizations indeed." -- her FB status

"I'm a fan!" -- CR, Singapore

And something that really made me laugh: Nancy called me a "...modern design connoisseur." (We all know I'm not. LOL!)

THANK YOU all for taking time to read my stories.

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." -- Buddha quotes

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