11 August 2010


J to Me: If we have to travel the world in small steps then we'll make it our lifelong journey.

There’s no one way to travel. We all have our own styles. Based on our limited travel experience, we’ve come to know that:

1. We love taking photos. Yun lang, masaya na kami.

2. We enjoy tasting something new, observing customs different from ours, watching people, experiencing every day things as if for the first time.

3. We prefer designing our own itinerary. We research online and buy travel books. Then we design an itinerary that suits us.

4. Nothing too hard-core for the not-so-athletic me.

5. As a mountaineer, J has traversed the roughest of terrains (he’s climbed every Philippine peak). But when we design our itineraries, I’m his top consideration. Awwww.

6. We don’t like doing “package tours.” We’d rather explore on our own. We hate being bound by other people’s time, style and plans. Sayang ang oras!

7. We check out the tourist spots.

8. But we also try to immerse ourselves into the local culture by doing something not-so-touristy.

9. We don’t mind getting lost. It’s part of the fun!

10. We're budget travelers. Budget airfare. Budget hotels.

11. We can survive on street food, hawker centers, food courts. Once in awhile we do indulge in restaurants but that's not the rule.

12. We love walking. We enjoy commuting. It's our way of life.

13. J travels light. I'm slowly learning the art.

14. He lets me take the window seat. Always. (Even before Adam Sandler's song from the film "The Wedding Singer," ganyan na siya.)

15. We always vow to return and try the less-traveled route.

16. No matter how much we enjoy our travels, there's nothing like coming home. We love our cozy condo (or years back -- our lovely Asian apartment)!

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck

1 comment:

  1. You guys travel "European style"...and Ben and I for sure can relate to your points! Plus it is really more practical and that you can really optimize the journey this way :)
