07 August 2010


#3 Art
From installations to graffiti, there were eye candies everywhere

Taipei 101 Damper Babies
Damper technology was used as earthquake protection for Taipei 101

Taipei 101 Damper Baby

At the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall garden

Entrance to one of the Malls

Caged Tree along Dunhua South Road
(area of the Eslite 24-hour bookstore)

Can you see the yellow birds?

Even the construction panels are decorated.

Black & white mural at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial.

Chess pieces at the Taiwan World Trade Center
J loves chess. These photos are for him. =)

Red and green mailboxes

Exhibition Hall
I love how they maximize outdoor branding!

Love at the Taipei 101

Graffiti, Ximen shopping area

Photos: Mine and J's

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