02 September 2010


I’ve got no delusions of joining the Miss Universe.

[Photo: Kissfendi.com]

But I must admit, I’ve been thinking about the Ms. U 2010 question for Miss Philippines, “What is the biggest mistake in your life? And what did you do to correct it?”

One week after the pageant, I finally have an answer – In life, there are no mistakes, only lessons learned. (LOL!)

Allow me to elaborate.

In my 34 years of existence, here are my (to borrow Venus Raj’s now infamous quip) “major, major” learnings. Thank you to all the teachers who came into my life in different forms, shapes and sizes.

1.God is in the details.

2.The best gifts from your parents: a happy childhood, a good education. (Thank you, Papa and Mama!)

3.Time does not heal wounds. Love does.

4.Believe in love’s second chances.

5.If he likes you, you'll know. If he doesn't, you'll be confused.

6.It’s true love if you bring out the best in each other.

7.Happiness is living the life you want. So it's important to know what you want.

8.Marriage will work if both parties work to make it work.

9.My kind of commitment: all or nothing.

10.Life is short. Live each day to the fullest – show your loved ones how much you love them; tell your loved ones how much you love them; don’t wait for special occasions to wear your dresses or your red lipstick; go on daily dates; face your fears; dare to be different!

11.You need not be rich to see the world.

12.Fashion is a right, not a privilege.

13.Surround yourself only with people who lift you up.

14.Life is no fairy tale. But there are always big bad wolves! Don't let their big teeth scare you. Fight!

15.Talk is cheap. Gauge character by the person’s actions.

16.Don’t be fooled by people who “help” only to get something in return.

17.Never lose the child in you.

18.Choose a funny person as Life Partner. Laugh out loud!

19.Let “thank you” be your favorite words.

20.The road less traveled could lead to a very happy place. (Glad I took it with you, J.)

What has life taught you?

I've changed #20 for the nth time.
Dami kasing lessons!
Should I make this list 50+?

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