18 November 2010


‎"A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." - MCG.

Happy Birthday to my dear sister P.

You keep me a child at heart. Love you.

Above: Goofing around Hong Kong Disneyland

Above: Loving the sun, sea, and sand of Palawan

Sorry my phone call woke you up on your bday (haha). I miss you and our regular "sisters only" dates. But I'm happy to know you're blooming where you are. Ate's so proud of the person you're growing up to be -- very strong (you've adjusted to your new environment really fast), super smart (perfect Math exams! promoted to the Honors Class!), creative (still into arts & crafts), respectful, thoughtful, caring, tech-y (our low-tech parents are so amazed!). See you soon!

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