30 December 2010


BEST MEMORIES of 2010 (in random order):
  1. J and I experienced all four seasons this year (see the gift tag I made above). A first for us! Yey! But still no snow (Maybe by 2011?).
  2. Welcomed 2010 in HongKong!
  3. Attended a wedding in Singapore one week before the Chinese New Year.
  4. Shanghai Spring! I was like a giddy little girl when I saw cherry blossoms for the first time.
  5. Celebrated my birthday "on top of the world," at the Taipei 101, Taiwan.
  6. Trekked one of the Wonders of the World – The Great Wall of China!
  7. Treated my parents and sister to a Palawan vacation! One more item off my Bucket List. Next goal: To treat the whole family to a vacation outside of the country.
  8. Started running (Loving it!). It has helped me lose weight. Today, I'm one pound away from my original weight goal. I'm considering pushing myself some more.
  9. Back in the boxing ring. Whew!
  10. Started Blog #2: My Little Black Book of Style
  11. My sister P continued to excel in class. She actually scores perfect in her exams!
  12. My niece S started school. I tried to be present in all the major school events -- for her, for my parents (I document the events for them).
  13. Another year of us being blessed with good health, safe travels, stable careers, lots of love and laughter.

Some of the things I’m looking forward to in 2011 (also in random order)...
  1. [Accomplished. School started 012911.] Student life. Part of my Year-End Bonus went to my tuition. So excited!
  2. My family coming home. I want my parents to enjoy the fruits of their labor and the company of their beloved granddaughter (they miss her too much!).
  3. I’m praying for a BIG LEAP I’m planning to take. (So help me, God.)
  4. [Accomplished 010211.] New hair color.
  5. Going back to yoga.
  6. Back to 110 lbs.
  7. More travels.
  8. More discoveries.
  9. More life lessons.
  10. The successful launch of the new channel.
  11. My dear sister P’s grade school graduation. And her move to high school (Oooh, I’m getting very sentimental. Ang bilis ng panahon.).
  12. More of the good stuff: good health, safe travels, fulfilling and rewarding careers, lots of love and laughter for all of us.

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."-- Oprah Winfrey

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