11 December 2010


Remember my Auntie Brigade entry? Well, one of my favorite Auntie / Tita moments this year was skipping work (morning lang naman) to attend my niece's school party. Yes, I'm that kind of Tita, I make time for milestones. Family over work. *wink*

Above: The classroom window.
Love the artwork!

Above: Happy 4th Birthday to our dearest S!
Her classmates sang the birthday song in Chinese! Cute!
They had their Chinese class that day kasi.

Above: Tita A & Tito J's gift --
Toy Story cupcakes for every one!

Above: I'm a fan of super cute cupcakes!
I'm loyal to Kiddie-party.com, love their creations.

Below: Last year's Strawberry Shortcake set.

Below: Their Hannah Montana creation for my dear sister.

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