21 February 2011


No matter how one may think himself accomplished,
when he sets out to learn a new language, science, or the bicycle,
he has entered a new realm as truly as if he were a child
newly born into the world. -- FW

J and I are currently enjoying our "working student" lifestyle. I'm in Fashion School. He's taking up Photography and Language Classes. These while we're in the middle of a station launch in our high-stress, at least 11-hours-a-day jobs; with family, friends and church responsibilities, workouts and daily dates in between! (Our school home works range from four to ten items per session ha, hindi pa-isa-isa. Bawal matulog? Haha!)

We both agree that learning (lalo na kung talagang "school" set-up) keeps every one young. I've been mistaken for a "twenty-something" quite a few times in school, while J has always looked younger than his actual age. But beyond looks, it's the young attitude and spirit that give one the ultimate high.

In a recent forum with Jun de Leon, the Master Photographer said -- anyone who feels he knows it all "is done." That kind of person is better dead. So I say "R.I.P." to people unwilling to learn and unlearn.

More words on learning, this time from MHF, "I find four great classes of students: The dumb who stay dumb. The dumb who become wise. The wise who go dumb. The wise who remain wise."

Let's all strive to be students 2 or 4. *wink*

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