09 May 2011


Today's Gifts:

1) My new office cubicle comes with a view. Yey!

2) Hubby and I are office cube neighbors again. Yey! The last time we were cube neighbors we were still boyfriend-girlfriend, I think.

3) Super fun Skype session with my Mom!

4) Dinner date with long-time friends (my UP-CMC friends). Every one made time for this meet. I'm so touched.

5) Got a very interesting, absolutely unexpected phone call. Smiling from ear to ear.

6) Shared a huge pizza with my new office neighbors. "House-warming", hehe.

7) My former office cube neighbors sent me green mangoes and bagoong. They miss me na raw. Awww, sweet.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

We all have our storms (Incidentally, Typhoon Bebeng is currently in the Philippines.) but we can always choose to dance in the rain.

Hope your week started out perfectly too. *wink*

Happy Monday!

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