17 August 2011


Yes, the headlines bother me -- "Singapore tightens rules for hiring foreigners." But they can't scare me off. No one said the road would be easy. We just need to keep our seat belts on (plus helmets and butt cushions?) for the rough road ahead. "Have faith, not fear."

In times like these, I'm inspired by more lessons from extraordinary lives:
  • You're gonna have trouble doing a lot of things in life, but they can be done. If you say "I can't," that means there's no solution, you've given up, you've quit. But if you're "having trouble," that means that even though you may not know at the time how to solve the problem, you know there's a way - you're just having trouble. Let's figure it out. -- Matthew McConaughey, Actor, Director, and Creator of the j.k. livin Foundation
  • Don't give up. Fatigue, discomfort, discouragement are merely symptoms of effort. You quit, you fail. -- Morgan Freeman, Academy Award-Winning Actor
  • You can't figure out what you want to do from the sidelines. You need to jump into the pond and splash around to see what the water feels like. -- Ina Garten, Bestselling Cookbook Author and Television Host
  • If you have a strong desire and passion to do something, even when the smart advice is encouraging you to downgrade your expectations, I say don't listen. -- Davis Guggenheim, Academy Award-Winning Film Director and Producer
  • Have faith, not fear. Faith not just in myself but in something larger. It was this faith that allowed us to push through, without being stymied by potential consequences or paralyzed by what-ifs. -- Wes Moore, Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, and Youth Advocate


  1. Thanks, Rina! =)

    We need every one's well wishes.

    God bless!

  2. I think I need this book, ate :) So.. your retirement is out in the open na? (looks like it) I'm excited for you!! (and kuya j)

  3. Book: try mo sa National Bookstore. Or yours na copy ko when I finish it.

    Yep, we've filed na. This is it! Excited and scared.

    May God bless us all.
