26 January 2012


Birthday message to Hubby: I love that we choose to take the roller coaster over the carousel. *wink* Here's to more life adventures together! Happy birthday to my Life Partner and Daily Date! I love you.

Photo credit: askmissa.com

Life's ups and downs are more bearable, more meaningful, more fun when you go through them with someone you love.

Thank you, God...

1) for allowing us to get off 'that crazy carousel' just in time. Lol.

2) for the 'tickets' to this roller coaster ride

3) for allowing Hubby and me to take this adventure together (Bow ako to those who are on the roller coaster alone!)

4) for allowing this journey to shape us into the best versions of ourselves

5) for the fresh perspectives (seen from the highest of highs and the lowest of lows).

We're so blessed. 

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