06 February 2012


Little things I'm grateful for:
  1. That I can commute with my bag unzipped. I can use my open totes here!
  2. That I can commute wearing jewelry.
  3. That I can walk alone at night.
  4. That people can use their bags to reserve / save tables in hawker centers.
  5. Comfortable bus rides. (Where I came from, I stayed away from buses. Too many horror stories. Pet peeve: Pinupuno muna. Such a waste of time. And once the bus is fully loaded, and on the road na, watch out for road rage!)
Low crime rate is not zero crime rate. But I still celebrate my 'peace of mind.'

More items on the list:
  1. Thank you that someone very dear to us is feeling better. She values her privacy so yan na lang...
  2. Thank you for fresh air
Yes, health is wealth.

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