24 February 2012


Today I'm in awe of the many hats life allows us to wear.  

to a great balancing act!
Photo credit: bluesunstudio-inc.com

My favorite roles: being my life's Leading Lady (you should be too!) and being Hubby's Life Partner. 

Next on the list: Daughter, Sister, Tita, Cousin, Friend.

Being a Colleague, Teammate, Blogger, Copywriter, Project Manager, Events Host, Stylist, Teacher, Student, Classmate, Neighbor, Churchmate, Relative, Acquaintance, Tourist have / had their moments.

I'm grateful that the past months gave me the opportunity to wear more hats. That of:

  1. Early Retiree. (Wow that sounds old. Lol.)
  2. Dreamer.
  3. New Kid on the Block. (In a foreign land.)
  4. Housemate.
  5. Traveler. (Level up from Tourist?)
  6. Job Hunter.
  7. OFW-wannabe. 
  8. Bum. 
  9. Freelancer. (Earning in my PJs has its perks.)
  10. Soul Searcher. 
So what's next? 

Do I see myself wearing the Balikbayan hat soon? 

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