10 August 2011


When we woke up Saturday, a day after we've resigned from our TV jobs, my first line to J was -- "Ang lakas ng loob natin ha!"

Then I thanked God.

It has been a very, very long process for me. It was not like I woke up Monday, and decided to resign Friday. I've been praying for courage to walk away from my comfort zone and explore the world for years (Yes, years. No, I don't blog about everything). All those time J patiently waited. With a kiss, he'd always assure me, "When you're ready...." My family, relatives and closest friends were there throughout my struggle; and again throughout my victory over fear.

I'm really blessed with such loving, solid relationships. But above all, I'm blessed with a Father who reminded me every day -- "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Each time we visited Singapore
the dream to live and work there is reinforced.

Photo: J's

For anyone who has a dream but has been too afraid to pursue it, I hope these help...
  • "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." -- Actor John Wayne
  • "When it comes to going for a job, a promotion, or just about anything in life, I'm pretty convinced that the meek will not inherit the earth." -- Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist Katie Couric
  • "I believe in serendipity, but I also believe there are times when you have to be the one who lines up everything so it can fall into place... After all, what's the worst that could happen? 'No' isn't really so bad, and 'Yes' might take you places you'd never expect." -- Broadway Director & Choreographer Susan Stroman
  • "You are surely afraid: of leaving what you know, of seeking what you want, of taking the wrong path, of failing the right one. But you can't allow any of that to warp your life... Acts of bravery don't always take place on battlefields. They can take place in your heart... You may still falter or fail, but you will always know that you pushed hard and aimed high. Take a leap of faith. Fear not. COURAGE IS THE ULTIMATE CAREER MOVE." -- Bestselling Author and Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Anna Quindlen
  • "Fortune favors the bold!" -- Comedian and Host George Lopez


  1. Your blog entry made me cry :( I could relate to that fear, the feeling of uncertainty.

    Truth is, this was my dinner table topic with R last night. R told me to pray hard and to ask for enlightenment.

    I believe God is talking to me through you =)

  2. Friend, your last line made me shiver.

    I'll continue praying for you and your dreams.

    Have faith, not fear. =)

  3. thanks for sharing ms.A. I agree with "courage is the ultimate career move".

    we'll surely miss you. good luck and God bless you and sir.J! :)

  4. Thanks, Diva!

    Continue to love life! =)

    We'll miss all of you.
