10 August 2011


They say timing is everything.

After my resignation, people have been asking – Why now?

Photo credit: time-management-central.net

Hubby and I have always had our life plan and calendar. The Singapore Dream has been part of it since our very first trip to the Lion City in 2005. We came back a few times to double, triple, quadruple, pentuple check – do we really want this? And every trip just reinforced the plan to work and live there one day soon.

2011 was the target year.
  • Because this year we would have saved enough.
  • Because this year we have better early retirement packages.
  • Because this year J turned 40, and I just turned 35. You know how you yearn for big changes, especially during major birthdays?
  • Because this year we prayed for “two things” and we got them!

It was not a knee-jerk reaction. We’re stronger, smarter, more practical than that. (And no, it’s not about you. You must be really so full of yourself to even think that!)

Why now?

Because we finally got our SG work passes! Yey!

Seriously now. Because we do not believe in "there’s never a good time to go." People can forever make up excuses for themselves. But the bottomline is – NASA SA IYO YUN. If not now, kelan pa?

Throughout my life, God has shown me that His timing is impeccable. His promise stands – He makes everything beautiful in His Time. Everything we asked for, He sent our way. Right on time.

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