22 September 2011


 Among true friends there are no goodbyes.

So to all my friends from the network, 

Many thanks for everything. Everything. 

I'll miss you all. 

See you around! 


Proud to have been part of the Philippines' No.1 News Channel, GMA News TV.
At the Orange Office, 3F GMA Annex

Tuloy ang chika until we're old and gray, ok? 
My dearest "sisters" J, N, G and M. Too bad the other M couldn't make it.
At Mary Grace, Trinoma.

And the Petit Four Tradition lives on!
True friends M, M, J, K, E, N, M.
Why do I feel like mine's the final Petit Four dinner? Hmmm.

 It was an honor working with brilliant minds.
With Station Head / News and Public Affairs VP - N
and Producers - N, J, and N. Sayang A wasn't around.

More of the friends I've gained through the years.
With some of the fabulous VDM Ladies, P, S and R.
With Doc L (my classmate from high school) and
our Angel Nurse R (she stood by us during J's accident).
With my dear friend and colleague, Entertainment TV's AVP - G.

With our very talented team mates. 
Learned so much from this group. I'll forever be grateful.
Always Have Fun, ok?
We love all of you!

With the hard-working Project Managers.
Hang tough, Ladies!

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