08 November 2011


"Given the chance, who would you want to be like?" Co-attendees in the management seminar I attended some time ago named heroes, celebrities, saints, their idols. I answered, "I just want to be the best version of me."

(Ms. Universe, is that you? LOL.)

Naalala ko ito because I'm currently a fish-out-of-water, one who has chosen not to merely survive, but to live and love life.

Last month, I wrote about the firsts I'll be facing as we take on our SG Adventure.

I'm happy to share that I've stretched myself WAY BEYOND my comfort zone. I'm proud to have grown SO MUCH as a person. In less than a month! Sometimes, ang joke ko nga kay Hubby - "Ako pa ba ito?" Haha.

The Job Hunt. I'm excited over the endless possibilities -- including a possible career shift. Would love to try working in the fashion or beauty or tourism industry. But if I'm meant for TV or Advertising pa rin, go! I've turned down offers, FYI. With the major gamble we've taken, itotodo ko na.Yes, I'm being choosy.

Housemates. Ang dami kong opinyon. But I've learned not to sweat the small stuff. So matahimik at mapayapa akong nakikisama. Especially since we're living with such kind-hearted families. Living with strangers is a whole new ball game. I've always been grateful for the comfortable life I've lived. Pwes, lalo ko pa na-a-appreciate yun ngayon! Haha! Everything talaga, even the littlest of things, pinagpapasalamat ko every day. I choose to be grateful for what's here, right now. Wishing for the comforts I left behind is such a waste of time and energy. Ang dami ko nang kinalimutang kaartehan! Starting a new life entails starting from scratch. Ganun talaga. So tiis-ganda ang drama. Less arte = lighter load. (Note: Less arte lang, hindi zero arte.)

Laundry. I never thought it'd be so easy with hi-tech, first-world machines. No sweat naman pala maglaba! Especially since Hubby and I do it together. Yey!

Living in a foreign land. Comparing Third World with First World would be unfair. Worlds apart talaga. I'm just thankful I'm in a clean, safe place, where you can see where your taxes go. The public transportation is so efficient (I know when the next train / bus is arriving). Senior Citizens are always part of the planning (That's why I'm bent on bringing my parents here). The government prioritizes education (SGD5 a month lang ang tuition?!). There are efforts to make it a greener country. Etc. No, it's not a perfect place but I'm not looking for perfection. I actually think perfection is overrated. Ang point ko lang, I'm happy to be here, living out a dream (kahit pa may language barrier, kahit pa second-class citizen lang kami).

"The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement." So here's to our best lives and the best versions of ourselves!


  1. Agree ako sa pagiging choosy! I started out feeling like kahit anong trabaho papatulan ko, but I ended up holding out for a job that I really, really wanted. It made all the difference in my SG experience :) Good luck!

  2. Diba? =) Came here to live out a dream. While I can still afford it, I want to follow my heart. =)
