28 December 2011


"When the dog bites
When the bees sting
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad..."
--  My Favorite Things, Sound of Music

While waiting for the "right" job (Don't want to settle.), these are the things that have kept me sane and smiling...

IKEA. Every visit to Ikea (Tampines and Alexandra branches) inspires me. In my mind, buo na ang aming little Singapore home. Everything's just so pretty. And they all seem to be so affordable. I get really dreamy when I'm here.

GLAMOUR DIGITAL MAGAZINE. As I've written too many times in my other blog, Glamour's my favorite fashion magazine. I'm too down-to-earth for Vogue, hehe. (Don't get me wrong, I love Vogue but I won't name it as my favorite / monthly must-buy.) Anyway, Glamour's e-mag is so much cheaper than the printed version. It's like buying a back issue so I don't feel guilty about spending for it monthly.

LONG WALKS. Especially those that have led Hubby and me to non-touristy destinations like the Punggol Reservoir. Look at the pretty restroom in the middle of the park, photo below. Restroom pa lang yan! The reservoir is filled with joggers, bikers, and skaters during weekends. Perfect for family days.
Hubby calls it "The Modern Cube-beta." Lol.

LAU PA SAT. It's our favorite hawker place because it's the only one with Pinoy stalls -- Baliwag, Tapa King, Mang Kiko and Hapag Kainan. No matter how good SG food is, we do miss our sariling atin.

Us at the Lau Pa Sat Festival Market

iPAD GAMES: Words with Friends, Solitaire and Pop Words. No, I'm not into Angry Birds or Plants versus Zombies.

MOVIE MARATHONS. Oh, we're loving our long vacation all the more because of these! We often stay up until 5am! Bad.

FACEBOOK and SKYPE. The best! I'm very much in touch with my family, relatives and friends from all over the world because of these! In my book, they are among THE BEST inventions ever, ever.

CHURCH SERVICES. Love, love, love. We come home with renewed spirits all the time. So happy that we have services twice a week.

SPICY MOS CHEESEBURGER. We first had a taste of MOS in Taipei. We loved it so much we even thought about hand carrying some burgers home. Lol. Here in Singapore, we're addicted! As in! Lesson learned: the Spicy Mos is best for dine-in. We discourage it for take-out as the chili will drip out of the packaging! Ganun kasi ka-generous ang serving.

KAYA. Our favorite: Toast Box's Traditional Kaya Toast and Kaya Soft Bun. The hawker centers' Kaya variations taste tipid / kulang / bitin versus Toast Box's. Yes, we have Toast Box in Manila. The branches here taste so much better (dapat lang!).

SALMON. Among my favorite fish (aside from bangus and tuyo and danggit)! I get my fix from Kopitiam at the Punggol Plaza. Only SGD6 for the entire set -- miso soup, a bowl of rice, kimchi and salmon. Sa dami na ng Chicken Rice na nakain ko, it's not my go-to-food anymore. Itong salmon na, hehe.

TEH-C. That's tea with milk. Our favorite SG drink! It's great anywhere. We love it so much I've actually blogged about it earlier, read here.

LUCKY PLAZA's PINOY GROCERY STORES. We haven't been impressed with the food joints there but the grocery stores are heaven -- Chippy, Choco Mallows, Clover Chips, Mang Tomas, Yes!, Green Cross, Spicy Tuyo, Barrio Fiesta bagoong, Datu Puti suka and toyo, etc.

MR. BEAN. Our favorite soya snack place. Cheese pancakes and Soya drink (hot or cold), we like them a lot! I've also blogged about this before, see here.

THE TODAY SHOW. My favorite TV show, even when we were in Manila. To this day, I have a dream of one day working with the Today Team. Galing ng content. Always so informative and entertaining and siksik. I love everyone on the show -- Matt, Ann (love her fashion sense!), Natalie, Al. But Hoda and Kathie Lee are my favorites, they crack me up!

What are on your favorite list?

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