11 March 2012


Food For Thought. Good Food for a Good Cause.
#8 Queen Street, Singapore
(It's at the Sam at 8Q complex.)

Give clean water, make poverty history, inspire kind acts while you eat. Bongga. Game kami sa 'dating for a cause' so we tried Food For Thought. We had dinner here after seeing the film "Water Hands."

The facade.

The headless art installation (right in front of the resto and on top of the building across the street) is from another artist (name to follow), different from the one who created the headless Superman in front of the Singapore Art Museum. Headless as theme - Creepy? Artsy? Deep? All of the above?

The piece on SAM at 8Q reflects people's worldly and empty (thus mindless, headless) pursuits.

540 Jars hanging from the resto's ceiling. Read about the amazing light installation story here.

Zero-guilt indulgence? Hubby had the Crispy Curry Chicken with Spicy Chili Fries, Buttery Corn Salad and Roasted Tomatoes (SGD18, around Php630) on a placemat that says "Make poverty history." It was good. It's basic fried chicken with a twist -- nasa curry flavor ang twist. Big serving siya. It was actually good for two. Had we known na ganito kalaki, nag-share na lang kami.

I had the Calamari, Prawn & Salmon Risotto (also SGD18). It was good. Naumay nga lang ako. 

My placemat.

The food was good. But we're not raving. We're happy to have tried the place. And we got to help along the way so no complaints.

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