15 May 2012


"In the future, everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes." - Andy Warhol 

Hello, You Tube! 

Out On A Date at the Andy Warhol 15 Minutes Eternal
ArtScience Museum, Singapore

No photography allowed inside the exhibit.
So sa entrance lang kami nag-picture.

Hubby and I will be eternally grateful for having the chance to see the Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal exhibit at the ArtScience Museum. It features the largest collection of iconic works by pop artist Warhol, including Jackie, Marilyn Monroe, Campbell's Soup, Silver Liz, Time Capsule 51, The Last Supper.

It was such an overwhelming experience. We've always been Warhol fans. I love how he saw the beauty in everyday, ordinary objects. Pieces that we only got to see in books and the internet were 'in the flesh,' right before our eyes! Amazing.

The most revealing piece for me: The Time Capsules. They are boxes containing meaningful items collected by Warhol throughout different periods of his life. Although various studio assistants handled the boxes over the years, few people recognized the mass of materials as anything but "Andy's stuff." The boxes actually reveal new and important information about the artist's life. But only one box is open for viewing in this exhibit -- Box #51, which contains fashion magazines (including Vogue and Glamour) and fashion books.

There's a gift shop at the museum selling Warhol reprints. But Hubby and I opted to buy shirts from Uniqlo instead, see here.

Andy Warhol's Shoes
I have a hard-bound journal and stationary with this print.

The exhibit will be up until 12 August 2012.

Ticket price: SGD15 per adult (around Php480 each)

For details, visit the ArtScience Museum website

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