16 May 2012


Out on a date at the movies: 21 Jump Street, The Avengers, Dark Shadows

21 Jump Street: It was so much fun watching this. A very nice surprise. I enjoyed it more because Hubby was laughing out loud, bentang-benta sa akin, pero mas benta sa kanya! Lol. I liked Channing Tatum better here than in his recent romantic drama The Vow (that one disappointed me). Mag-comedy na lang kaya siya? Among the movie's best moments: Johnny Depp's cameo ( FYI, in case you're too young to remember, he was part of the TV show.)

The Avengers: As expected, it was a crowd-pleaser. A blockbuster spectacle. I loved every moment of it! And I'm not a comic book / Marvel fan. The story, the action, the visuals were very exciting for me. Hubby's reaction as soon as the credits rolled: "Pambata." I guess I'll forever be young-at-heart, hehe.

Dark Shadows: "Family is the only real wealth." We're fans of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton so we enjoyed their reunion. I have never seen (or heard) of the TV show so it was easy for me to appreciate the adaptation. It's no  Edward Scissorhands (A classic in our book.) but I won't go so dark on the reviews naman -- it's getting a lot of flack especially from the TV show's fans. It had its moments.

Liked anything you've seen lately?

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