19 January 2009


When: March 29, 2004
*Our 4th Anniversary

Where: Tagaytay

On our 4th Anniversary, we said “I do.” And surprised each other with vows we wrote ourselves. I couldn’t count the number of times I had to pause and cry.


I promise to take you on a lifelong journey
To share with you the adventures of traveling to distinct places
To summit, seas and cities
To wherever our feet may take us
From the serene and spiritual
To the muddy and mundane

We’ll take a bus to Baguio
A plane to Bangkok
Probably sail to Bali
Or go on a long train ride through Europe

We’ll eventually get our own car
Even if I hate driving
And you don’t know how

But I’d like to see you get on the steering wheel
Because I want to see you empowered as a woman

I’m really a man of very few possessions
So I cannot vow that we will live a rich life
But I promise we’ll live an enriching life together
In love and poetry

I love you.


Long before today, I’ve already vowed to love you
With all of me
All my life

I don’t exactly remember when I made the commitment

It could have been the moment I recognized the sign – George Street
That’s where I lived most of my life
It was as if the world was confirming how I felt –
That in you, I’ve truly found home

It could have been the moment I said yes
to your proposal
exactly four years ago
Because from then on, it was all or nothing for us

Or perhaps I made the vow to love you forever
During the amazing moments...

When you’d make me laugh despite the tough times

Or those days you’d surprise me with a poem

Or when you’d massage my hands
Without me asking for it

Or the moments you’d hold my hand so tight
I knew we would never ever let go

Or maybe it’s each day you’d take the danger side
Whenever we’d cross the street

When you’d let me have the window seat

When you’d hug me in the presence of others

When you’d bend your biases to give me flowers

Or maybe when you’d volunteer to do the dishes at my parents' place

Or when you’d bring me home from Quezon City to Antipolo every day
Even if you’re tired, sick or injured
Even through heavy rains and flood
Even if sometimes it would mean you’d be walking a kilometer from our house to the subdivision gate

I could have made the vow the day you decided to share my Faith

Or when you made me realize that despite the differences
We do walk the same earth

No, I don’t remember exactly when I made that vow
But yes, I have long committed
My love
My life
To you

And today, on our wedding, in the presence of our families and friends,
I strengthen that vow

My dearest J, I will love you
Like nothing else matters

**Photo: from our wedding album